
Latest version: v2.5.5

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This release does not bring new observables or major new features, but instead a couple of small improvements and fixes, the most important ones being:
- Several hadronic parameters from lattice QCD have been updated to the [new FLAG 2019 average](http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1902.08191)
- `flavio.statistics.probability.combine_distributions` now supports multivariate PDFs
- The CKM elements used by the `wilson` package for Wilson coefficient basis translation are now set to the values set in flavio (thanks to jackypheno for reporting a related bug, 78)
- Likelihoods in the `flavio.statistics.likelihood` module now cache their observable predictions for repeated calls (thanks peterstangl!)


New observables

- Leptonic kaon decays `BR(KL->mumu)`, `BR(KS->mumu)` (as well as the electronic modes)
- Lepton flavour violating kaon decays `BR(KL->emu,mue)`, `BR(KS->emu,mue)`
- π→μν total rate, `Gamma(pi+->munu)`
- Some additional Z and W pole observables, e.g. the LFU ratio `Rmue(W->lnu)`

Other improvements

- The B&rarr;D and B&rarr;D* form factor parameters have been improved: while still using the parametrization from [arXiv:1801.01112](https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.01112), the parameters have been updated from a fit where the LCSR input is taken from [arXiv:1811.00983](https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.00983) rather than [arXiv:0809.0222](https://arxiv.org/abs/0809.0222). This leads in particular to a more reliable prediction for R<sub>D</sub> and R<sub>D*</sub>.
- Various parametric updates, e.g. quark masses are now taken from [lattice QCD](https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.04248).
- Correlation among B meson bag parameters from FLAG now properly taken into account.
- Two-dimensional likelihoods of the CMS and ATLAS measurements of B<sub>s,d</sub>&rarr;&mu;&mu; added (thanks Peter Stangl!)

Breaking change

- The CKM parameter `gamma` has been renamed to `delta` to more accuretely reflect the fact that this is treated internally precisely as the Dirac phase &delta;. Although this is numerically almost identical with the unitarity triangle angle &gamma;, it is not equivalent.


- Factor of 2 in `tau->emue` and `tau->muemu` fixed (thanks to Andrzej Buras!)

... and a couple of smaller fixes.


The first minor release in the v1.x series brings a couple of new observables and some other improvements. Many of these improvements where motivated by [smelli](https://github.com/smelli/smelli) and special thanks go to Jason Aebischer, Jacky Kumar, and Peter Stangl.

New observables

- More leptonic LFV &tau; decays: &tau;&rarr;3e, &tau;<sup>-</sup>&rarr;e<sup>-</sup>&mu;<sup>+</sup>&mu;<sup>-</sup>, &tau;<sup>-</sup>&rarr;e<sup>-</sup>&mu;<sup>+</sup>e<sup>-</sup>, &tau;<sup>-</sup>&rarr;&mu;<sup>-</sup>e<sup>+</sup>&mu;<sup>-</sup>
- &tau;&rarr;&pi;l and &tau;&rarr;Kl (implemented by jackypheno)
- K<sub>S</sub>&rarr;&pi;l&nu;

Other improvements

- Improved treatment of likelihoods of &tau; LFV limits
- Implemented the B form factors from a combined fit to an improved LCSR calculation and LQCD results in [arXiv:1811.00983](https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.00983). These form factors have been made the default for B&rarr;&pi; and B&rarr;K.
- Updated all particle masses and widths to PDG 2018 values
- Other parameter updates: f<sub>K</sub> and f<sub>&pi;</sub> from FLAG; B bag parameters now use the FLAG average for the SM operator
- Consistent treatment of scale dependence of longitudinal meson decay constants (implemented by peterstangl)


- A missing factor of 2 in the dipole contribution to &tau;&rarr;3l was fixed (thanks to Andrzej Buras [yes!] for noticing this)


This minor release was necessary due to changes in the `wilson` and `wcxf` libraries that flavio depends on.


This release increments the version number to 1.0 :tada: This does not mean that flavio is "complete", it is just an expression of the relative maturity of the code, as well as a convenient point in time as a short write-up describing the program will appear on the arXiv preprint server soon. Moreover, this release includes loads of new features, most of which have been developed for the new [smelli](https://github.com/smelli/smelli) package that provides a global likelihood in the space of BSM Wilson coefficients and relies heavily on flavio. Special thanks to my collaborators Jason Aebischer, Jacky Kumar, and Peter Stangl.

New observables: electroweak precision tests!

- *Z* production and decays: electroweak precision observables on the *Z* pole, see the [list](https://flav-io.github.io/docs/obs/zdecays-flavourconservingdecays.html)
- LFV *Z* decays: [list](https://flav-io.github.io/docs/obs/zdecays-fcncdecays.html)
- *W* decays and mass: [list](https://flav-io.github.io/docs/obs/wpmdecays-leptonicdecays.html)

These electroweak precision tests were added by David Straub and Peter Stangl. Other observables:

- &tau;&rarr;&phi;l and &tau;&rarr;&rho;l added by Peter Stangl (cross-checks by Jacky Kumar)
- F<sub>L</sub> in B&rarr;D*l&nu;
- Anomalous magnetic dipole moments of the electron, muon, and tau

New likelihood module

The new module `statistics.likelihood` allows to construct likelihoods in terms of parameters and Wilson coefficients given theoretical constraints on parameters and experimental measurements of observables. It was developed for the [smelli](https://github.com/smelli/smelli) package that depends on it and is meant to serve as a basis for `statistics.fits` in the future. Right now, the two modules coexist, but the interface of `fits` might be subject to change in the near future.

Other improvements

- A large number of measurements was added
- Various speed optimizations, some of them drastic

Bug fixes

- Matrix element of the &Delta;F=2 tensor operator corrected (thanks to Matthew Kirk)
- Bounds on B<sup>0</sup>&rarr;K&nu;&nu; corrected (thanks to James Kahn)

Removed features

As announced in [v.30](https://github.com/flav-io/flavio/releases/tag/v0.30), the `io.flha` module has been removed. If you rely on it (even though it is no longer maintained), you can use it as a standalone script downloading it [here](https://github.com/flav-io/flavio/blob/f0242232f652ae2f7b28806a4c1acc9d0022ecf6/flavio/io/flha.py).


New observables

- Neutrino trident production cross section `R_trident`, cf. [arXiv:1406.2332](http://arxiv.org/pdf/1406.2332.pdf)
- Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon `a_mu` (thanks to Jason Aebischer and Andreas Crivellin for enlightening discussions on sign conventions!)

Other improvements

- Various improvements to the `statistics.fits` module contributed by Peter Stangl (peterstangl)
- Many experimental measurements added, e.g.
- bounds on tau and muon LFV decays by Jacky Kumar (jackypheno)
- bounds on LFV B decays
- Differential measurements of B&rarr;D<sup>(*)</sup>&tau;&nu; by Jason Aebischer (jasonaebischerGIT), cf. [arXiv:1612.07757](https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.07757)
- Various speed optimizations
- B&rarr;Vll decay binned observables should be a factor of a few faster now!
- `sm_uncertainty` is up to factor 20 faster for some observables

Upcoming changes

- the `io.flha` module for importing FLHA files from FlavorKit has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use te [WCxf](https://wcxf.github.io/) format instead.

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