
Latest version: v2.6.2

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This release adds many new measurements and fixes several bugs.
New and updated measurements
- The new LHCb measurement of BR(Bs->mumu), `LHCb Bs->mumu 2021` and a combination with ATLAS and CMS data, `AS combination Bs->mumu 2021`
- The Bs->mumu effective lifetime measured by LHCb in 2017 and 2021 and by CMS in 2019
- The new LHCb measurement of RK, `LHCb RK 2021`
- The 2021 muon g-2 measurement by the "Muon g-2" experiment
- The 2021 BR(Bs->phimumu) measurement by LHCb
- Small typos have been fixed in `LHCb B+->Kmumu BR 2014` and `CDF B+>Kmumu 2012` (thanks jafuen for finding them)
- `LHCb KS->mumu 2019` has been updated to the published version (thanks to hoodyn)
- `LHCb B->ee 2020` has been added (thanks to hoodyn)
New observables
- The B0->K\*mumu - B0->K*ee LFU difference `D_AFB`
Bug fixes
- A wrong sign in the B->D(*) form factor correlation matrix that led to too large uncertainties has been fixed (thanks to Jorge-Alda)
- The subleading contributions to B->Vll at high q^2 had not been added correctly (thanks to langenbruch or fixing this)
- A wrong factor of 1/2 has been removed from the scalar Wilson coefficients used in semi-leptonic tree-level decays (thanks to whereforebound)


New features
- The new `flavio.citations` module provides a bibliography of theory papers (thanks to MJKirk)
- At the end of a flavio computation, the theory papers on which the computation is based can be obtained from `flavio.citations.set` in terms of a set of INSPIRE citation keys. The bibliography can be reset by calling `flavio.citations.reset()`.
- The new `theory_citations()` method of the `Observable` class returns the theory papers on which the prediction of a given observable is based.

New observable
- The ratio of the branching ratio of B<sup>0</sup>→K*&gamma; and the time-integrated branching ratio of B<sub>s</sub> →&phi;&gamma;, `BR(B0->K*gamma)/BR(Bs->phigamma)` (thanks to MartinoBorsato for the suggestion)

New measurements
- The B<sup>+</sup>→K*&mu;&mu; angular observables by LHCb
- The combination of B<sub>s</sub>→&mu;&mu; by ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb
- Some LEP measurement (thanks to MJKirk)
- Some LHCb and ATLAS measurements (thanks to olcyr)

Bug fixes
- Some bugs in the implementation of mu-e conversion have been fixed (thanks to xmarcano for reporting the issue)
- A problem with the PyYAML loader `SafeIncludeLoader` on some Windows systems has been fixed

Other improvements
- flavio now supports Python 3.9
- The PyYAML loader `SafeIncludeLoader` now supports absolute file paths in the `!include` and `!include_merge_list` constructors
- The config files have been updated to avoid matplotlib deprecation warnings (thanks to MJKirk)
- The interface to iminuit has been upgraded to use iminuit v2.x

End of support for Python 3.5
This release requires at least Python 3.6. Python 3.5 has reached [end-of-life](https://devguide.python.org/devcycle/#end-of-life-branches) on 30 September 2020. If you are on an outdated system and cannot update Python, have a look at [conda](https://docs.conda.io/). It allows you to install the newest version of Python in a virtual environment without root privileges. Conda is also the best choice if you are on Windows.


New features
- The new class `FlavioParticle` based on the `particle` package (https://github.com/scikit-hep/particle) replaces several functions that were previously used for reading PDG data.
- New versions of `flavio.plots.contour` and `flavio.plots.likelihood_contour_data` allow specifying the exact minimum (e.g. obtained by numerical minimization) to be used in contour plots.
- The `ParameterConstraints` class has the new method `read_default`, which allows resetting parameters to their default values.

- Updated LHCb B->K*mumu angular observables
- LEP-1 measurements have been updated due to the luminosity update (thanks to Adam Falkowski)

Bug fixes
- an import error present for `scipy` verision >= 1.5.0 has been fixed (thanks to Matthew Kirk)
- an erroneous comment has been fixed (thanks to Alexander Bednyakov)
- ee->WW observables are now strictly real numbers without zero imaginary part


This release is a significant milestone for the flavio project. First, it contains a *huge* number of new observables, justifying the major version bump. Second, the baton of maintaining the project is passed from DavidMStraub to peterstangl from this release on.

After extending from flavour physics to electroweak precision tests in v1.0 and subsequently adding EDMs and many other "unflavoured" precision observables, this release brings flavio several huge steps closer to becoming a universal observable calculator for all observables where new physics contributions can be described in the framework of the SMEFT. The list of observables has been updated [in the documentation](https://flav-io.github.io/docs/observables.html).

Concentrating on flavio's role as an observable calculator and likelihood generator, we also removed some old and poorly maintained submodules, notably `statistics.fits`.

Here's everything that's new:

Higgs physics

Based on [arXiv:1911.07866](https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.07866) by Adam Falkowski and David Straub, this release contains everything that is needed for an up-to-date analysis of Higgs physics at LHC - predictions and measurements (Run 1 & Run 2) of the signal strengths in all channels!

Nuclear and neutron beta decays

Based on a collaboration of Martín Gonzalez-Alonso, Adam Falkowski, and David Straub, this release contains *Ft* values of doubly allowed nuclear beta decays necessary for EFT analyses of new physics in *d&rarr;u* transitions. In addition, also the neutron lifetime and all relevant correlation coefficients in neutron beta decay are included!

Atomic and molecular EDMs

Electric dipole moments of paramagnetic atoms and molecules have been added, based on [arXiv:1809.09114](http://arxiv.org/abs/1809.09114).

Semi-leptonic *D* decays

The decays *D&rarr;(&pi;, K)l&nu;* including all relevant measurements (even binned differential distributions).

New *B&rarr;D* and *B&rarr;D\** form factors

The form factors have been updated to use the results from [arXiv:1908.09398](https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.09398). Unit tests against EOS added with the help of dvandyk.

Utilities for units and elements

- The new `flavio.physics.units` module can come in handy for converting between units. Look at [the source](https://github.com/flav-io/flavio/blob/master/flavio/physics/units.py) to see what it provides.
- The new `flavio.physics.elements` module provides two functions to convert between element symbols (e.g. `Ag`) and the atomic number *Z* (e.g. 47): `symbol(Z)` and `Z(symbol)`.

Other improvements

- flavio now supports Python 3.8
- Some parameters and measurements updated

Breaking changes

The `flavio.statistics.fits` and `flavio.statistics.fitters` modules have been removed as we are concentrating on the main features of flavio as observable calculator and likelihood generator. These modules had been poorly maintained in the recent past. Code using the `fits` module can be ported fairly simply to the more recent (and more powerful) `flavio.statistics.likelihood` module.


New observables

- B<sub>s</sub>&rarr;ll&gamma; implemented by Méril Reboud (mreboud) (91)

Parameters changed

- Masses and widths [updated](https://github.com/flav-io/flavio/commit/e2c9391e24e39af529a8a847e9cd990987052fee) to PDG 2019 values

New measurements

- New CMS measurement of B<sub>q</sub>&rarr;&mu;&mu; and new global combination added by Peter Stangl (peterstangl) (93)
- New LHCb measurement of K<sub>S</sub>&rarr;&mu;&mu;
- New Belle measurement of R<sub>K</sub>

Change to plot functions (upcoming breaking change)

The default colour scheme of `flavio.plots` predated the release of `matplotlib` 2.0, which introduced a much nicer default colour scheme than the ugly one of `matplotlib` 1.x. This flavio release changes the colour scheme to use the `matplotlib` one by default.

Besides, the old keyword argument `col=` of many plotfunctions, that is supposed to be an integer specifying the color from the scheme to be used, is now deprecated in favour of the normal `matplotlib` 2.0+ way of using `color=`, with either `'C0', 'C1', ...` for the default colors or any other color supported by `matplotlib`. The `col=` argument might be removed in the future.

Note that this change makes `matplotlib` 2.0 the minimum required version (the current version is 3.1.1).

Deprecations (upcoming breaking change)

The `flavio.statistics.fits` module has been marked as deprecated **and will be removed in one of the next versions**. Most of the functionality of that module has been reimplemented in `flavio.statistics.likelihood` and the old module has no longer been maintained. Please migrate your code if you still use any of the classes from the `fits` module. If problems arise, please [file an issue](https://github.com/flav-io/flavio/issues/new).

As a consequence, also the `flavio.statistics.fitters` module is now deprecated.

These changes allow to focus the development efforts on flavio as an observable calculator (e.g. in the context of the [global SMEFT likelihood](https://smelli.github.io/)).


This minor release fixes a few issues and updates parameters, but also brings two minor new features.

New features

- All classes wiith named instances, i.e. `Measurement`, `Parameter`, `Observable`, `Implementation`, `AuxiliaryQuantity` and a few others have a new `find` method which takes a regular expression as input and returns all matching instance names. This has powerful applications, e.g. finding all observables in tau decays:

or all observables that are total branching ratios in decays with a tau in the final state:

Combining this with `get_measurements` [introduced in 1.5.0](https://github.com/flav-io/flavio/releases/tag/v1.5.0), this allows finding observables and their measurements without browsing the source files.
- The `Parameter` class now pretty prints in a Jupyter notebook. Try `flavio.Parameter['m_b']`.

Bugs fixed

- The shift due to dimension-6 contributions to the Fermi constant in electroweak precision observables contained ann erroneous factor of 2 for one Wilson coefficient (68ec2c41e7898c8732a044ebbe5283198221e09e)
- The NP contributions to the W mass were off by a factor of 2


- D0 measurement of `W->taunu` added
- Updated `B->D*lnu` branching ratios to HFLAV 2019


- Used more precise value for f<sub>K</sub>/f<sub>&pi;</sub> (fed6180a7271522199dc71b7e7a0e57dfb5dd0a2)

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