* Replace identity operator to conform with PEP8. 1367
* Bugfix to Condor monitoring to negate failed handshakes. 1374
* Set logging of subjob finalisation and status updates to DEBUG. Only master jobs log INFO. Reduces verbosity. 1369
* Update subjobs status column: running/failed/completing/completed. 1369
* Bugfix for OfflineGangaDiracSplitter to prevent getting stuck when SE mapping fails. 1370
* KRB5CCNAME now updated in Dirac env when commands are carried out. 1372
* Added option whether to download Dirac outputsandbox when finalising jobs, 'downloadSandbox'. Defaults to True. The default can be configured, 'default_downloadOutputSandbox' under 'DIRAC'. 1145, 1369
* Added option to finalise jobs only when all the subjobs are finished, 'finaliseOnMaster'. Defaults to False. The subsequent finalisation is done in parallel. If a subjob registers as failed it finalises immediately. Subjobs are in the 'completing' state until finalised The default can be configured, 'default_finaliseOnMaster' under 'DIRAC'. 1145, 1369
* Added function to finalise subjobs in the 'completing' state, 'j.backend.finaliseCompletingJobs(getSandbox=True)'. 1145, 1369.
* Added function to GPI to finalise a slice of jobs, 'finalise_jobs(jobSlice, getSandbox=True)'. 1145, 1369.
* GaudiExec Dirac RT handler checks for exisiting tarball replicas to prevent needless replication. 1371
* GaudiExec Dirac tarball filenames include job id to make thread safe. 1373