- Adding individual postprocessors to jobs has been fixed 402
- Condor jobs can split by dataset 390
- Minor monitoring fix when there are strange errors from the Condor backend
- Fixed some minor bugs in preparing some jobs
- GangaDataset made more user friendly
- Dirac has gained the option to set the default output SE for files (optional)
- Some performance improvements with communicating with the DIRAC server (reduced Dirac calls/reduced code fluff in Ganga)
- Some older configuration settings have been deprecated, some new configuration options have been added.
Removed: DiracOutputDataSE, load_default_Dirac_backend, DiracDefaultSE
Added: RequireDefaultSE, statusmapping (for devs), queueable_dirac_statuses (for devs), userVO
- Can now use the bashrc directly from dirac-ui and elsewhere so don't need a Ganga specific env conig file
- DIRAC 'Completed' jobs are now considered to be 'running' due to the transfer of output data
- Fixed bugs where files vanished during jobs completing and jobs reverting status within DIRAC fixed
- All new DIRAC settings have been made configurable within LHCb config
- LHCb config now managed LHCb specific settings (RequireDefaultSE, DiracCommandFiles, userVO, allDiracSE)
- LHCb now inherits more closely from vanilla DIRAC in Ganga even though all code is executed against an LHCbDIRAC instance
- Added initial support for LHCb specific integration tests
- Ignore comments in files input for --inPfnListFile
- Added the output_loc_to_input option to AthenaSplitterJob to map input files to output dirs
- --inPfnListFile now takes a comma separated list and uses output_loc_to_input to
direct the different outputs to appropriate dirs
- Patches from HammerCloud to set homepackage correctly and use AGIS JSON file for queue/DDM mapping
- Some Atlas code cleanup
- New plugin for the LSST experiment. DIRAC RTHandler finsihed so grid jobs work and have been tested.