
Latest version: v8.7.9

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Not secure
* Bugfix such that GangaDatasetSplitter returns dataset of same type as input 1058
* Change to default config of MassStorageFile. Looks for EOS by default. 1070
* Improvements to exception raising. 1071
* Update default config for treatment of output files. Particularly for batch backends. 1088

* Turn on metadata by default for BenderBox applications 1050
* Bugfix to GaudiExec RT handler 1086

* Make Dirac proxy configurable - LHCb calls lhcb-proxy-init by default now 1047
* Fix for DiracFile remoteDir. Setting remoteDir set the path location for the output of Dirac jobs. See help(DiracFile) for examples. 1072

* Update GLITE_SETUP path 1084
* Fix to allow LSF jobs to work after setting up with Athena 1084
* Remove tagdataset 1065
* Fix for Atlas nightlies 1064


Not secure
* Adds EXE/ROOT/PYARA support into CMake releases 1061
* Compiles on request


Not secure
* Silence harmless warning in auto resubmit 1041
* Update .gangarc on minor version increment rather than bugfix 1048
* Moved log of used versions to ~/.cache/Ganga

* Removed ATLASDataset 1039
* Removed AtlasCastorDataset 1035
* Removed StagerDataset 1036
* Allow AthAnalysis to be submitted without setting atlas_release option 1038
* Bugfix for SL7 - update rucio version and path 1044

* Bugfixes to metadata for GaudiExec and BenderBox applications 1046


Not secure
* Change of default to yes when querying changes to .gangarc 1021

* Added PBS and SGE to list of RTHandlers for GaudiExec 1022
* Fixed order of root/xroot protocols when requesting accessURL 1026

* Fix for starting ATLAS without grid proxy 1031
* Removed AthenaMC application 1030
* Remove DQ2SandboxCache 1032
* Remove AMIDataset 1033


Not secure
* Bug fix to automatic job resubmission 1014
* SplittingError inherits from GangaException 1016
* Bugfix to MassStorageFile - missing import added 1017

* Add optional job ID to GangaDiracError

* Bugfix to LHCbDataset when providing it strings 1017

* Add support for CMake 1019


Not secure
* Bugfix to job auto resubmission 996
* Bugfix to the configuration when reading and upating the gangarc 1002
* Ask the user to confirm copying of non-default options to the new gangarc 1007

* Remove SEs from banned sites from list of possible SEs when splitting 990
* Added check for replicas in DiracFile getMetadata 1000

* Set root/xroot as the default protocol requested for accessURLs 989
* Bugfix for the 'extraArgs' in GaudiExec 991
* Allow GaudiExec jobs to be submitted with only extraOpts 992
* Bugfix to set prepared status of GaudiExec job after succesfully building the target instead of before 1006

!Input required!
* A bug may have caused some configurations to have been erroneously written to your gangarc. When starting
this version of ganga for the first time the gangarc will be updated and you will be asked to confirm that you
wish to keep any non-standard configurations. If you do not recognise the option then revert it to default
and you will be fine.

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