
Latest version: v8.7.8

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Not secure
* Implemented timestamps for Condor backend. 1293
* Updated Ganga prompts and magics for use with IPython 5. 1229
* Check python version is 2.7 and manipulate path when running from CVMFS. 1294

* Add check to ensure no duplicate DiracFiles in GaudiExec input sandbox. 1292


Not secure
* localDir of LocalFile set when jobs completed. 1277
* Python environment specified in by default in qsub command for SGE backend. 1276
* Bugfix to release note printing. 1274

* Bugfix to correct treatment of inputfiles that are DiracFiles. 1283

* Return full stdout on GaudiExec build failure for more helpful errors. 1285
* Bugfix for DiracFiles in inputfiles for GaudiExec. 1290


Not secure
* Bugfix for shutdown manager.1264
* Added 'queue' to ARC backend to specify queue to submit to. Also added 'xRSLextras', a dict of other options
and arguments to be added to the xRSL when submitting a job. 1267
* Bugfix for notebook submission.1261
* Bugfix to display dicts correctly. 1272

* Bugfix for DiracFile as inputfile in GaudiExec jobs.1266


Not secure
* Bugfix for Condor submission when copying files to WN. 1241
* Logging error handler removed to prevent duplicate error logs. 1247
* should_init on GangaObjects True by default. 1216
* Warning messages cached. 1230
* Logging of execute function improved. 1224
* Improved handling of ctrl-c input from users. 1194
* New possible check of the repository when ganga is started. The status of the last 5 jobs are checked for being in a
bad state (submitting) and forces them to failed. To enable set DisableLoadCheck=False in .gangarc 1193, 1237, 1240

* Error messages in Dirac scripts from failed submission now returned to user. 1243
* Bugfix for DiracFile setting remoteDir. 1241
* Added kwarg validTime to DiracProxy. This sets the requested time of validity of the credential on
creation. Time must be of format HH:MM . Defaults to 24h. 1236
* Bugfix to auto resubmission. 1234
* Bugfix to splitting for files that have no valid replicas. 1225

* Initial cmake for projects created with prepareGaudiExec() now executed in application environment. 1246
* Default GaudiExec() platform updated to x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt. 1246

* Location of grtf macros altered. 1249 1253
* Applications use IPrepareApp. New modules added. 1226

* Fix for useAthenaPackages. 1227
* Atlas.ini updated. 1228


Not secure
* Major re-ordering of code. The module Ganga has been renamed to GangaCore to resolve problems with case
insensitive operating systems (MacOS) 1183. The python folder has been renamed to ganga and the release notes
and templates moved into it (GangaRelease and GangaTemplates). When installing with pip Ganga now appears as a
single module (ganga) and the release notes are now included. When importing ganga in python import.ganga has
become import ganga.ganga . Subsequently the ganga namespace is available as usual (i.e. print 1198
* Bugfix for logging. INFO message should be cached until a new prompt. 1197
* Bugfix for showing configs. 1187
* Bugfix for ganga shutdown. 1195
* Parallel submit disabled by default for local jobs. Can be used with j.backend.force_parallel=True . 1208
* Slurm backend now available. 1192

* Now use getReplicasForJobs when splitting with OfflineGangaDiracSplitter. 1203

* Bugfix for BenderBox. 1184
* Bugfix to uploading replica of job script and cmake tarballs for GaudiExec. Instead of raising an exception
on failure ganga will give a warning and try another SE. In case of no successful SE an exception is raised. 1190 and 1182


Not secure
* Major re-ordering of code. The module Ganga has been renamed to GangaCore to resolve problems with case
insensitive operating systems (MacOS) 1183. The python folder has been renamed to ganga and the release notes
and templates moved into it (GangaRelease and GangaTemplates). When installing with pip Ganga now appears as a
single module (ganga) and the release notes are now included. When importing ganga in python import.ganga has
become import ganga.ganga . Subsequently the ganga namespace is available as usual (i.e. print 1198
* Bugfix for logging. INFO message should be cached until a new prompt. 1197
* Bugfix for showing configs. 1187
* Bugfix for ganga shutdown. 1195
* Parallel submit disabled by default for local jobs. Can be used with j.backend.force_parallel=True . 1208
* Slurm backend now available. 1192

* Now use getReplicasForJobs when splitting with OfflineGangaDiracSplitter. 1203

* Bugfix for BenderBox. 1184
* Bugfix to uploading replica of job script and cmake tarballs for GaudiExec. Instead of raising an exception
on failure ganga will give a warning and try another SE. In case of no successful SE an exception is raised. 1190 and 1182

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