
Latest version: v8.7.8

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Not secure

- Minor fix to the monitoring code.
- Remove some unneeded stack traces 713
- Fix to the host machine identification 759
- Fix to the splitter. It now fails if no splitting is done, rather than continuing regardless. 780
- Fix to the ARC backend submission 789
- Bugfix to raise an exception if a plugin fails to load at startup 794
- Implementation of some forward compatibility for Ganga 6.3 807


- Added the option to set the version of LHCbDirac and removed the old guess version code.
- Changed the default LHCbDirac version to v8r3p7
- Fix to the old RT handlers to correctly parse the xml summary 816
- Fix some minor bugs in GaudiExec with inputfiles and preparing a raw release with 'prepareGaudiExec' 822


- Change to the setting of configuration options for tests 742
- Fix to the LCG test 761
- Fix to the Dirac test to try each SE in order until one works 773
- Removal of outdated LHCb tests 782
- Ensure a fresh .gangarc is being used for tests 800


Not secure

- Make sure the --trf option is set correctly for TRF jobs. 760


- Fix to getting the hostname. 759


Not secure
- Fix to Condor backend. It now waits for the stdout to be populated. 741


- Fix to MassStorageFile. The local area is now successfully cleaned up after files have been copied
to the mass storage area. Much improvement to the code.733
- Fix bug to stop duplication of files when using multiple wildcards.
- Improved whitespace, special character support for filenames and paths.
- Fix to bring back job templates 731


- Removing LHCbApp references in the Gauss splitter. This stops the pickled options being overridden. 736


- Added command_line option to Athena to pass command line options to the job 746
- Remove 64-bit config warning
- Fix for submission to Lxbatch
- Add --NthFieldAsOutDir option to Athena command line 720


Not secure

- Fix to the Executable app so arguments are now passed to the executable.


- Add '--useCMake' flag.
- runAthena version set to 00-00-12.
- Use latest version of panda-client: 0.5.69.
- Some tidying of unused code.


Not secure

- Fixed bugs when requesting negative list indexes in `jobs`, `tasks` etc.
- Fixed bug that created excess shared dir folders.
*\* Most users are effected by this. Please use 'cleanUpShareDirs()' to remove old empty shared folders from 6.1.23.
- '--no-mon' now stops task monitoring as well as job monitoring.
- Improvement to WN scripts to allow the backend to copy non-tarred files to the WN from the shared dir.
- Cleanup to the code for shutdown.
- Fixed bug for submission to ARC backend.
- New test for CREAM backend.
- Mock tests for LCG and Grid submission.
- Improvement to locking of objects in registry.
- Improvement to tracking objects' loaded state.


- Fixed accessURL for a DiracFile. Returns a list of URLs.


- Change defualt for ATLAS_SOFTWARE to CVMFS.


- Tidy up some code.


- Migrated CMake support from GaudiRun app to new GaudiExec app.
*\* Schema has drastically changed since GaudiRun
*\* Schema is now stable and is intended to be forwards compatible for all future versions.
*\* Old CMake test jobs will not load with this version of Ganga.
*\* Code now found with the other LHCb apps.
*\* Job splitting fixed.
*\* Problems with duplication of large files during submit resolved.
*\* Should support most LHCb workflows.
- Change to Jenkins tests to source from CVMFS rather than setting up the environment by hand.


Not secure

- ...

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