
Latest version: v8.7.8

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Not secure
* Exceptions improved - known exceptions will now not produce a long unhelpful trace. 943
* Bugfix to job killing to keep master job status as running when a subjob is killed. 950
* Change session locks to be opened as read/write 960

* Protect reading of file with Dirac commands from race conditions. 941
* Bugfix in the WN script for the Executable application on Dirac - errors now raised properly. 947
* Bugfix for getOutputDataAccessURLs. 956

* Bugfix to the prepareGaudiExec function when using a directory that doesn't exist yet. 952
* New application, BenderBox, for Bender with cmake. 969


Not secure
- Defaults added to the job class attributes 927
- New application for Jupyter notebooks: Notebook() 919
- Upload files directly from shared area for local and batch backends 918


- Bugfix to correctly import LHCbDirac in the LHCb plugin
- Grid jobs with no inputdata can run on tier 1s
- Update LHCbDirac to v8r5p4


- Change to construction of user LFNs - takes the nickname of the Dirac proxy 934


Not secure
- Fix for the configurations. Options in the gangarc and specified in the command line are now set as
userValues instead of sessionValues so they take precedence. 896
- Use userValues for the testing configs. 913
- Fixed bug when loading Dirac jobs created with old ganga versions in 6.3.0 901
- Alterations to the startup code and a new test for the startup. 849


- Added option to accessURL function to request a specific protocol for the accessURL. 754
- Fix for very old DiracFile objects not loading correctly 907
- Fix for getOutputData with Dirac backend. 912


- Fix to LHCbDataset to be able to pass the full path of LocalFiles for inputdata. 881
- Change to GaudiExecPrepare. If the folder for the default project already exists now an exception is raised
instead of continuing. 888
- Fix for old style applications with the newest LbScripts v9r0. 891


Not secure

- Profiled and improved performance in GangaObject bigly.
- Some code cleanups.
- Added SharedFile file type for using large locally accessible files which doesn't copy a file as much as LocalFile.
- Added many integration tests for MassStorageFile, SharedFile and LocalFile.
- Added new exception types inheriting from GangaException to make reasons for the exceptions clearer.
- Bugfix for GangaDataset and batch jobs 871

\* Improvements to the XML loading 839

- Added a universal check for all objects returned from calls to Dirac.
- Added GangaDiracError exception type which is thrown when a command timesout/fails.


- Cleaned up code for SplitByFiles, added more documentation.
- Added new gridProxy object for backwards compatibility. This a wrapper around the new `credential_store`.
- Default DiracProxy is constructed to be for `lhcb_user`.
- Added function getAccessURLs to GPI to return a list of accessURLs for a provided list of DiracFiles or LFNs (strings).
Can access from the Dirac backend job.backend.getOutputDataAccessURLs(). 801
- Bugfix for GaudiExec. Now it checks that the SE is writable before attempting to upload the tarballs 852
- Update default LHCbDirac to v8r4p4


- Integrated new credentials managment framework into Core.
- Added AfsToken and VomsProxy for AFS and LCG credential managment.
- **_All forwarded kerberos tokens are expected to be renewable. If ganga hangs after `kinit -R` check your config!**_


- Added DiracProxy to allow for managing multiple proxies.
- New grid proxies can be constructed via `credential_store.create(DiracProxy())`.
- New grid proxies can be destoryed via `credential_store.destroy(DiracProxy())`.
- Default DIRAC proxy group is now managed via `[defaults_DiracProxy] group = myvo_user` in your .gangarc.


Not secure

- Bugfix for readInputData for the GaudiExec application. 843
- Bugfix for the difference, symmetricDifference and union functions in LHCbDataset 856
- Update default LHCbDirac version to v8r3p10.
- Fix for the unprepare in the old style apps. 861
- Fix for the GaussSplitter with GaudiExec 864


Not secure

- Minor fix to the monitoring code.
- Remove some unneeded stack traces 713
- Fix to the host machine identification 759
- Fix to the splitter. It now fails if no splitting is done, rather than continuing regardless. 780
- Fix to the ARC backend submission 789
- Bugfix to raise an exception if a plugin fails to load at startup 794
- Implementation of some forward compatibility for Ganga 6.3 807


- Added the option to set the version of LHCbDirac and removed the old guess version code.
- Changed the default LHCbDirac version to v8r3p7
- Fix to the old RT handlers to correctly parse the xml summary 816
- Fix some minor bugs in GaudiExec with inputfiles and preparing a raw release with 'prepareGaudiExec' 822
- Bugfix for the GaudiExec prepare thread lock 831


- Change to the setting of configuration options for tests 742
- Fix to the LCG test 761
- Fix to the Dirac test to try each SE in order until one works 773
- Removal of outdated LHCb tests 782
- Ensure a fresh .gangarc is being used for tests 800

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