- Static evaluation on `if` and `for` statements.
- Hashing to external verilog (2).
- Skip hashing if the generator is unique (3).
- Collapse else if into actual else if in verilog (4).
- Bypass python's lack of switch statement (5).
- Add a way to specify verilog stubs (6).
- Add cache to instantiate generators (11).
- Transform == into eq call (14).
- Add switch code gen (15).
- Add pass through module detection and removal pass (17).
- Add pass to remove chains of fan-out 1 wires (18).
- Add a way to manage passes (19).
- Add full trace of statements for debugging (24).
- Verilog code generation is refactored to be more consistent with each other (1)
- Refactor how instance name is done (7).
- Unify comb and seq add interface in Python (16).
- Refactor ast visit (21).
- Allow arbitrary for loop (22).
- Refactor how sources and sinks are handled in slices (25).
- Hashing not picking up the variable width (8).
- Detect the output being used as a register (10).
- Extra "end" for else if statement (12).