
Latest version: v13.8.0

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* Added support for reading and writing Project Codes, Resource Codes, Role Codes and Resource Assignment Codes for Primavera P6 schedules.
* When writing PMXML files, improve handling of P6 schedules where activity code sequence numbers are missing.
* Added an *experimental* feature to `MSPDIWriter` to allow the writer to generate timephased data when none is present. Disabled by default, call the `setGenerateMissingTimephasedData` and pass `true` to enable.
* To improve consistency, the methods `Task.getPrimaryResourceID()` and `Task.setPrimaryResourceID()` have been marked as deprecated. Use the new `Task.getPrimaryResourceUniqueID()` and `Task.setPrimaryResourceUniqueID()` methods instead.
* Added the methods `Task.getPrimaryResource()` and `Task.setPrimaryResource()`.
* Improved accuracy of retrieving the resource assignment GUID attribute when reading MPP files (Contributed by Fabian Schmidt).
* Improve population of Task Start and Finish attributes when reading Primavera P6 schedules.
* Marked the `ActivityCodeValue.getParent()` method as deprecated. Use `ActivityCodeValue.getParentValue()` instead.
* Marked the `ActivityCodeValue.getParentUniqueID()` method as deprecated. Use `ActivityCodeValue.getParentValueUniqueID()` instead.
* Marked the `ActivityCodeValue.Builder.parent()` method as deprecated. Use `ActivityCodeValue.Builder.parentValue()` instead.
* Marked the `ActivityCodeValue.getActivityCode()` method as deprecated. Use `ActivityCodeValue.getParentCode()` instead.


* Update the MPXJ ruby gem to allow access to calendar data.
* Mark the `ActivityCodeValue.getType()` method as deprecated. For clarity this method has been replaced by the new `ActivityCodeValue.getActivityCode()` method.
* Mark the `ActivityCodeValue.Builder.type()` method as deprecated. For clarity this method has been replaced by the new `ActivityCodeValue.Builder.activityCode()` method.
* Added the `Task.getActivityCodeValues()` method, which returns a `Map` of `ActivityCodeValue` instances, keyed by `ActivityCode`.
* Marked the `Task.getActivityCodes()` method as deprecated. Replaced with the `Task.getActivityCodeValues()` method which is more clearly named, and presents the activity code values in a more flexible form.
* Added the `Task.addActivityCodeValue()` method.
* Marked the `Task.addActivityCode()` method as deprecated. Replaced with the `Task.addActivityCodeValue()` method which is more clearly named.
* Further improvements to retrieval of custom field values read from MPP files.
* Ensure that missing resource assignment and task start and finish dates are handled gracefully when working with calendars for manually scheduled tasks.


* Added the `Task.getBaselineTask()` methods. For applications where a separate baseline schedule is present or a baseline has been manually added to the `ProjectFile` instance, these methods will allow you to access the underlying baseline task instance from the current task instance.
* Added the Activity Percent Complete attribute to the `Task` class. The value of this attribute will be the Duration, Physical or Units percent complete value, based on the Percent Complete Type setting. This attribute is provided as a convenience to match the Activity Percent Complete type value shown in P6.
* Improve retrieval of custom field values for certain MPP files.
* Improve handling of PMXML files with more than 11 baselines.
* Improve handling of unexpected data types when writing JSON files.
* Added the `Relation.getPredecessorTask()` and `Relation.getSuccessorTask()` methods.
* Marked the `Relation.getSourceTask()` and `Relation.getTargetTask()` methods as deprecated, use the `Relation.getPredecessorTask()` and `Relation.getSuccessorTask()` instead.
* Ensure that with "Link Cross Project Relations" enabled when reading XER or PMXML files, the predecessor and successor lists for both tasks related acrosss projects are correctly populated.


* Fix CVE-2024-49771: Potential Path Traversal Vulnerability (Contributed by yyjLF and sprinkle).


* Added support for reading and writing Resource Role Assignments for Primavera schedules. The `Resource.getRoleAssignments()` method retrieves a map representing the roles a resource is assigned to, along with the skill level for each assignment. The `Resource.addRoleAssignment()` and `Resource.removeRoleAssignment()` methods allow role assignments to be added and removed.
* Added support for the Resource Primary Role attribute, which is read from and written to Primavera schedules.
* Improve handling Boolean attributes with default values when reading XER files.
* Added the `getShowStartText`, `getShowFinishText` and `getShowDurationText` methods to the `Task` class. When working with manually scheduled tasks in Microsoft Project, users can potentially supply arbitrary text for the Start, Finish and Duration attributes. Microsoft Project still stores appropriate values for these attributes, which can be accessed in MPXJ as Start, Finish and Duration, but where the user has supplied text, these attributes are available as Start Text, Finish Text, and Duration Text. The methods added by this change allow the caller to determine which version of each attribute should be shown to the user in order to replicate what they see in Microsoft Project.

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