* Improve handling of MPP files with missing Props.
* Improve handling of custom field lookup tables for MPP12 files.
* Correctly write activity duration type to a PMXML file (Contributed by Sebastian Stock)
* Improve handling of Activity Type and Activity ID when writing PMXML files (Based on a contribution by Sebastian Stock)
* Update PMXML file reader for greater consistency with XER and P6 database readers (Activity ID, Activity Type, Status, and Primary Resource ID)
* Improve handling of certain FTS files.
* Improve handling of task notes from MPP8 files.
* More accurately read predecessors and successors from Asta PP files (Based on a contribution by Dave McKay)
* When a schedule is read from P6, P3, or SureTrak, Task.getSummary will return true only if a task is part of the WBS
* Improve support for reading the Synchro Scheduler 2018 SP files.
* Added Task.hasChildTasks() method.
* Fixed [Issue 330](https://sourceforge.net/p/mpxj/bugs/330): Splits data coming in as null for all tasks