* Added support for resource assignment fields Baseline Cost 1-n, Baseline Work 1-n, Baseline Start 1-n, Baseline Finish 1-n, Start 1-n, Finish 1-n, Date 1-n, Duration 1-n, Cost 1-n, Text 1-n, Number 1-n, Flag 1-n, for MPP, MPD, and MSPDI files.
* Added support for task suspend date, task resume date, and task code read from Primavera, and represented in MS Project custom fields Date1, Date2, and Text1 respectively.
* Added support for retrieving the table associated with any view.
* Fixed [Issue 158](https://sourceforge.net/p/mpxj/bugs/158): Error converting Mpp to planner.
* Fixed [Issue 157](https://sourceforge.net/p/mpxj/bugs/157): MSPDI Linklag for TimeUnit.Percent.
* Fixed [Issue 156](https://sourceforge.net/p/mpxj/bugs/156): Error reading calendars for 2010 files.
* Fixed [Issue 159](https://sourceforge.net/p/mpxj/bugs/159): Duplication of calendar id.
* Fixed [Issue 153](https://sourceforge.net/p/mpxj/bugs/153): Wrong task start.
* Fixed [Issue 156](https://sourceforge.net/p/mpxj/bugs/156): Wrong start and finish dates for 2010 files.