* General improvements to make calendar data read from different file formats more consistent.
* When reading P6 and Powerproject schedules MPXJ will no longer create an "artificial" resource calendar for each resource. Resources will be linked directly to the calendars they use in the original schedule.
* Update `MPXWriter` and `MSPDIWriter` to ensure that, when written, calendars are correctly structured in the form required by Microsoft Project.
* `JsonWriter` now includes calendar data as part of its output.
* The `ProjectCalendar` methods `setMinutesPerDay`, `setMinutesPerWeek`, `setMinutesPerMonth` and `setMinutesPerYear` have been deprecated, use `setCalendarMinutesPerDay`, `setCalendarMinutesPerWeek`, `setCalendarMinutesPerMonth` and `setCalendarMinutesPerYear` instead.
* The ProjectCalendar method `setResource` has been deprecated and will not be replaced. Use the Resource method `setCalendar` or `setCalendarUniqueID` to link a calendar with a resource.
* The ProjectCalendar method `getResource` has been deprecated. Use the `getResources` method instead to retrieve all resources linked with a calendar.
* The `Resource` methods `addResourceCalendar`, `setResourceCalendar`, `getResourceCalendar`, `setResourceCalendarUniqueID` and `getResourceCalendarUniqueID` have been deprecated and replaced by `addCalendar`, `setCalendar`, `getCalendar`, `setCalendarUniqueID` and `getCalendarUniqueID` respectively.