* Updated to extract the following fields from resource data in an MPP9 file which were previously not imported: Flag1-Flag20.
* Added the method MPPFile.getFileType to allow the type of MPP file (MPP8: 98, MPP9: 2000,2002) to be determined.
* Updated API to make classes final and constructors package access only where appropriate.
* Updated to use of 6 byte long int fields for cost and work values for MPP8.
* Fixed error in reading task fixed cost for MPP8.
* Updated to extract the following fields from task data in an MPP8 file which were previously not imported: Contact, Cost1-Cost10, Date1-Date10, Duration1-Duration10, EffortDriven, Finish1-Finish10, Flag1-Flag20, HideBar, Milestone, Number1-Number20, Rollup, Start1-Start10, Text1-Text30, Type, WBS.
* Updated to extract the following fields from resource data in an MPP8 file which were previously not imported: Code, Cost1-Cost10, Date1-Date10, Duration1-Duration10, EmailAddress, Finish1-Finish10, Number1-Number20, Start1-Start10, Text1-Text30
* Added support for task and resource note fields in MPP8 files.
* Added support for the OvertimeCost task attribute for all file formats.
* Updated to extract calendar data from MPP8 files.
* Updated resource notes to fix end of line handling problem.
* Added functionality to read default settings and currency settings data from MPP files.