* Ensure Resource BookingType is read correctly from MPP files
* Added basic custom field attributes to JSON output
* Added Ruby methods to work with custom field aliases
* Fix to infinite loop condition when writing calendar (contributed by lobmeleon)
* Fixed [Issue 274](https://sourceforge.net/p/mpxj/bugs/274): MPXJ getNotes() API returns garbled value for multibyte characters
* Fixed [Issue 268](https://sourceforge.net/p/mpxj/bugs/268): Unsupported encoding error when reading resource notes
* Fixed [Issue 256](https://sourceforge.net/p/mpxj/bugs/256): Incorrect resource types are read (contributed by Colin Rodriguez)
* Symmetry between Primavera PM reader/writer (contributed by lobmeleon)
* Added UDF support to PMXML file reader and writer(contributed by lobmeleon)
* Updated to rtfparserkit 1.4.0