- Added Google Cloud Platform integration
- Added support for K8s nodeSelector 955
- Added new AWS regions 935
- Added json/yaml output to info command 657
- Added More duration and memory unit syntax sugar 921
- Added NO_PROXY env variable should be honoured 864
- Added keepHeader option to splitText operator 912
- Added countLines, countFasta and countFastq methods 972
- Added an env variable to define default cloud driver 973
- Fixed Unable to find JVM 1.8 err message 1000
- Fixed Memory unit should contain thousand separator [e6ec4c84] 989
- Fixed LSF long user names breaks jobs status parsing [b4306151] 988
- Fixed Move output files to storeDir instead of copying them 745
- Fixed Interpolated strings in a from statement are misinterpreted 978
- Fixed ConcurrentModificationException when publishing output files 971
- Fixed Launcher fails with Java 10 or later 953
- Fixed remote bin directory when using bucketDir option [6d796783]
- Fixed foreign file system detection [1489cc72]
- Fixed Ansi logger division by zero [ae2b1380]
- Fixed Unparsable Data format on http file 962
- Fixed Log command history 405
- Fixed Too long process tag name can cause SLURM failure 941
- Fixed LSF can return an inconsistent jobs status 927
- Fixed dump last queue status on failure [36e80242]
- Fixed Allow the usage of a custom docker image for K8s driver pod 877
- Fixed K8s executor when the cluster has no available cpus 824
- Fixed Prevent duplicate process definitions 920
- Fixed Update queue statuses used by PBS Pro 908
- Fixed K8s launcher fails to set pod work directory [dc8bfead]
- Fixed cmd cloud error message [14d603b9]
- Fixed RejectedExecutionException on successive Console executions 906
- Fixed Invalid config rendering 801
- Fixed Invalid warning message for config selector 905
- Fixed Queue status command fail on LSF version 8 910
- Fixed Use `bash` instead of `sh` to fetch queue status
- Improved script runner api [da4a6c17]
- Improved file hashing logging [0d35b2b4]
- Refactored ScriptRunner class [15ee2f1c]
- Refactored DSL code visitor [67904c1f]
- Revert "Apache Ignite to version 2.6" 909
- Better report warning when grid status command fails [3ac8b972]
19.01.0-edge - 10 Jan 2019
- Enhanced timeline and execution reports 985 986 [fb00c3a6] [092f0b9e]
- Enhanced BashWrapperBuilder using template file [7d7e116a] [c62b9dff]
- Fixed CPU usage accounting 982 [7d7e116a] [c62b9dff]
- Fixed Move output files to storeDir instead of copying them 745
- Fixed Interpolated strings in a from statement are misinterpreted 978
- Fixed Launcher fails with Java 10 or later 953
- Fixed LSF long user names breaks jobs status parsing [b4306151] 988
- Fixed Memory unit should contain thousand separator [e6ec4c84] 989
- Fixed Allows fromFilePairs to handle non globs 946
- Added an env variable to define default cloud driver 973
- Added countLines, countFasta and countFastq methods 972
- Added NXF_DIST launcher variable 954
- Added NXF_SMOKE var to disable long running tests
- Deprecated groupBy and route operators [b7ca53d2]
- Updated S3 storage classes 977
- Updated groovy to version 2.5.5
- Updated copyright disclaimer
- Refactored project structure [516294e7]
- Speed-up CI tests [3320dcec]
18.12.0-edge - 18 Dic 2018
- Add Google Cloud Platform integration
- Added support for K8s nodeSelector 955
- Added new AWS regions 935
- Added json/yaml output to info command 657
- Fixed remote bin directory when using buckerDir option [6d796783]
- Fixed foreign file system detection [1489cc72]
- Fixed Ansi logger division by zero [ae2b1380]
- Fixed Unparsable Data format on http file 962
- Fixed Log command history 405
- Fixed Too long process tag name can cause SLURM failure 941
- Fixed LSF can return an inconsistent jobs status 927
- Fixed dump last queue status on failure [36e80242]
- Fixed Allow the usage of a custom docker image for K8s driver pod 877
- Fixed K8s executor when the cluster has no available cpus 824
- Fixed Prevent duplicate process definitions 920
- Fixed Update queue statuses used by PBS Pro 908
- Fixed K8s launcher fails to set pod work directory [dc8bfead]
- Fixed cmd cloud error message [14d603b9]
- Improved script runner api [da4a6c17]
- Revert "Apache Ignite to version 2.6" 909
- Fixed Invalid config rendering 801
- Improved file hashing logging [0d35b2b4]
- Refactored ScriptRunner class [15ee2f1c]
- Refactored DSL code visitor [67904c1f]
18.11.0-edge - 12 Nov 2018
- Added More duration and memory unit syntax sugar 921
- Added NO_PROXY env variable should be honoured 864
- Added keepHeader option to splitText operator 912
- Fixed Invalid warning message for config selector 905
- Fixed Queue status command fail on LSF version 8 910
- Fixed Use `bash` instead of `sh` to fetch queue status
- Better report warning when grid status command fails [3ac8b972]
- Fixed RejectedExecutionException on successive Console executions 906