- Added support for file templates in process definition
- Added process `when` guard for conditional execution
- Added process `shell` block that allows both BASH and Groovy variables in the same script block
- Added support for includes in configuration files
- Added support for profiles in configuration files
- Added channel operator `set { }`
- Added channel operator `into { }`
- Added channel operator `tap { }`
- Added channel method `close()`
- Added channel factory `value()`
- Added `fixOwnership` docker config option
- Added `unstageStrategy` process config option
- Added minlog-slf4j kryo logging redirection
- Added `ext` directive for user defined configuration properties
- Added support for multi-indices grouping key to `groupTuple` operator
- Fixed issue that caused task attribute to be lost when resuming execution
- Fixed pipeline hangs when `map` operator is applied to a dataflow variables - Issue 44
- Fixed pipeline hangs when `into` operator is applied to a dataflow variable
- Improved dynamic code compilation with `Grengine` module
- Increased default queue size to 100 tasks when using a grid executor
- Refactored `Session` to remove dependency with `CmdRun` object Added ability to set `workDir` in the config file
- New implicit lazy Gstring in process parameter and directive definitions
- Changed file unstage strategy using `cp` command instead of `rsync` I
- Removed `workDir` variable from config file
- Updated JGit to version 3.7.1
- Updated Slf4j to version 1.7.12