First release in the 1.2.x series. This release includes a variety of enhancements
and bug fixes, including a large scale refactoring of DerivativesDataSink.
* FIX: Purge greedy lstrip from reports (521)
* FIX: Add DWI default patterns for dMRIPrep's reportlets (504)
* FIX: Merge/SplitSeries write to path of input image, instead of cwd (503)
* FIX: Better generalization and renaming+relocation in the API of ``extract_wm`` (500)
* FIX: Increase fault tolerance of DerivativesDataSink (497)
* FIX: Match N4-only workflow outputs to brain extraction workflow (496)
* FIX: Set default volumetric resolution within OutputReferencesAction to native (494)
* ENH: Upstream NiTransforms module from fMRIPrep (525)
* ENH: Improve DerivativesDataSink flexibility (507) (514) (516)
* ENH: Add utility function to quickly check for FS license (505)
* ENH: Add nibabel-based split and merge interfaces (489)
* ENH: Show registration reportlets inline within Jupyter notebooks (493)
* ENH: Ensure subcortical volume in CIFTI is in LAS orientation (484)
* ENH: Produce carpetplot from CIFTI file (491)
* ENH: Option to set DerivativesDataSink datatype (492) (495)
* MAINT: Revert 496 -- N4-only workflow connections (498)
* MAINT: Transfer brainmask script from fMRIPrep (488)
1.1.x series