New feature release in the 1.7.x series. This series will support sMRIPrep 0.10,
fMRIPrep 22.1, and NiBabies 22.2.
This will be the last minor release series to support Python 3.7.
* FIX: Use ``np.bool_`` instead of deprecated np.bool (760)
* FIX: Use nilearn plot_surf over surfplot (745)
* ENH: Allow DerivativesDataSink to handle output==input (758)
* ENH: Add ``Resolution`` field to metadata if data has ``res`` entity (754)
* ENH: Add morphometric suffixes to pattern matching (753)
* RF: GenerateCifti interface (756)
* MNT: Loosen dependency versions (759)
* MNT: Remove non-compliant ``dtseries.json`` metadata (750)
* MNT: Build FreeSurfer 7.2 (751)