
Latest version: v1.11.0

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Hot-fix release in the 1.0.x series. Backported from 1.1.2.

* FIX: ``IntraModalMerge`` - Undefined input name used in ``_run_interface`` (442)
* FIX: ``IntraModalMerge`` failed for dims (x, y, z, 1) (441) oesteban


Bug-fix release in the 1.0.x series.

* FIX: Permit dummy scans to be 0 (438) jdkent
* MNT: Specify junit_family to suppress pytest DeprecationWarning (432) effigies


Bug-fix release in the 1.0.x series.

* FIX: Ensure data type of masked image matches T1.mgz (430) effigies


The first stable release of NIWorkflows.

* CI: Drop install/develop installs (428) effigies
* DOC: Maintenance of the documentation building (429) oesteban
* DOC: Generate versioned documentation of the API (416) rwblair
* ENH: Add ``copy_header`` inputs to some ANTs interfaces (401) oesteban
* ENH: Remove the data getters/utils modules (427) oesteban
* ENH: Move nilearn interfaces over from fMRIPrep (414) oesteban
* ENH: Reports use the default template from niworkflows, allowing overwrite (419) oesteban
* FIX: Update all ``SpatialImage.get_data`` -> ``get_fdata`` (426) oesteban
* MAINT: Update ``.gitignore`` and ``.dockerignore`` (420) oesteban
* MAINT: use scikit-image LTS for earlier python versions (418) mgxd
* MAINT: Pin nipype>=1.3.1, remove link dependencies from ``setup.cfg`` oesteban

0.10.x series


Patch release with a few small bug fixes and improvements.

* FIX: Remove unused, undocumented output from the bold_reference workflow (409) oesteban
* FIX: Do not validate built paths (405) effigies
* FIX: Ensure that length of indices matches length of values (397) rciric
* ENH: Add a new ``Binarize`` interface using nibabel (402) oesteban
* ENH: Enable BIDSFreeSurferDir to take an absolute path as a subjects directory (398) effigies
* TEST: Separate LTA length fixing and add doctest (403) davhunt


Patch release with several bugfixes and two improvements on how NIfTI files were
handled. With thanks to David Hunt and Ursula Tooley for contributions.

* ENH: Memory optimized header rewriting (386) effigies
* ENH: Warn about copying sform to qform only if qform changes (365) utooley
* FIX: Nonpositive values entered to N4 when calculating BOLDrefs (389) oesteban
* FIX: Retain newlines in corrected LTA files (391) davhunt
* FIX: Handle singleton decompositions (383) rciric
* FIX: Revision of previous PR 337 / MELODIC did not converge (381) oesteban
* MAINT:Confound metadata maintenance (382) rciric
* TEST: Skip tests with non-Python dependencies when missing (387) effigies

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