------------------------- Hot-fix release in the 1.0.x series. Backported from 1.1.2.
* FIX: ``IntraModalMerge`` - Undefined input name used in ``_run_interface`` (442) * FIX: ``IntraModalMerge`` failed for dims (x, y, z, 1) (441) oesteban
------------------------ Bug-fix release in the 1.0.x series.
* FIX: Permit dummy scans to be 0 (438) jdkent * MNT: Specify junit_family to suppress pytest DeprecationWarning (432) effigies
------------------------- Bug-fix release in the 1.0.x series.
* FIX: Ensure data type of masked image matches T1.mgz (430) effigies
------------------------- The first stable release of NIWorkflows.
* CI: Drop setup.py install/develop installs (428) effigies * DOC: Maintenance of the documentation building (429) oesteban * DOC: Generate versioned documentation of the API (416) rwblair * ENH: Add ``copy_header`` inputs to some ANTs interfaces (401) oesteban * ENH: Remove the data getters/utils modules (427) oesteban * ENH: Move nilearn interfaces over from fMRIPrep (414) oesteban * ENH: Reports use the default template from niworkflows, allowing overwrite (419) oesteban * FIX: Update all ``SpatialImage.get_data`` -> ``get_fdata`` (426) oesteban * MAINT: Update ``.gitignore`` and ``.dockerignore`` (420) oesteban * MAINT: use scikit-image LTS for earlier python versions (418) mgxd * MAINT: Pin nipype>=1.3.1, remove link dependencies from ``setup.cfg`` oesteban
0.10.x series =============
------------------------ Patch release with a few small bug fixes and improvements.
* FIX: Remove unused, undocumented output from the bold_reference workflow (409) oesteban * FIX: Do not validate built paths (405) effigies * FIX: Ensure that length of indices matches length of values (397) rciric * ENH: Add a new ``Binarize`` interface using nibabel (402) oesteban * ENH: Enable BIDSFreeSurferDir to take an absolute path as a subjects directory (398) effigies * TEST: Separate LTA length fixing and add doctest (403) davhunt
-------------------------- Patch release with several bugfixes and two improvements on how NIfTI files were handled. With thanks to David Hunt and Ursula Tooley for contributions.
* ENH: Memory optimized header rewriting (386) effigies * ENH: Warn about copying sform to qform only if qform changes (365) utooley * FIX: Nonpositive values entered to N4 when calculating BOLDrefs (389) oesteban * FIX: Retain newlines in corrected LTA files (391) davhunt * FIX: Handle singleton decompositions (383) rciric * FIX: Revision of previous PR 337 / MELODIC did not converge (381) oesteban * MAINT:Confound metadata maintenance (382) rciric * TEST: Skip tests with non-Python dependencies when missing (387) effigies