
Latest version: v7.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 665814 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug fixes:

- Fix wsgi_ini_template creation when recipe is called multiple times.
[petschki] (197)
- Installing the recipe twice should not break; remove use of `global`
[gotcha] (198)



New features:

- Specify a standalone logging.ini configuration using the wsgi-logging-ini-template option in buildout.
The log configuration will be injected into wsgi.ini keeping all other default wsgi config.
The wsgi-logging-ini-template option cannot be used together with the wsgi-ini-template. Sakoes (59)



Breaking changes:

- Drop support for Python 3.7 and lower, Zope 4, Plone 5.2.
[maurits] (194)



New features:

- Add support for setting max_value_length in Sentry init.
When you use this option, you should use `sentry-sdk` 1.29.0 or higher.
[gyst] (193)


- Update tox to support python 3.10 and 3.11. (193)



New features:

- Add ``dos_protection`` config.
With Zope 5.8.4+ you may get ``zExceptions.BadRequest: data exceeds memory limit`` when uploading an image or file of more than 1 MB.
To increase this limit, you can add this in your instance recipe, and choose your own limit::

zope-conf-additional =
form-memory-limit 4MB

[mamico] (191)




- Update README: for ``RotatingFileHandler`` ``maxCount`` is not a valid keyword argument.
Use ``backupCount``.
[gforcada] (190)

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