
Latest version: v7.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 665814 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Pass python flags to Zope interpreter as well. This prevents the debug
command from exiting directly.



- Load PYTHONSTARTUP if defined when running the debug command.



- Use interpreter script instead of setting PYTHONPATH. Fixes Windows
"the environment variable is longer than 32767 bytes" error.

- Make the zope.conf http-server optional by setting http-address to
an empty string. Useful for configurations used under an external
server such as a WSGI deployment.



- Added event and access log rotation capability.



- Expose 'drop-cache-rather-verify' ZEO client option which indicates that
the cache should be dropped rather than verified when the verification
optimization is not available (e.g. when the ZEO server restarted).

- Strip all empty lines out of zeo.conf to provide more compact view.



- Fix zcml load order of the optional locales directory. Translation overrides
need to be loaded first.

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