
Latest version: v7.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 665814 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Give the `readme` an overhaul, group options into sections and mention the
most commonly used ones at the top.

- Add some flexibility to `site.zcml` creation. Thanks to Wolfgang Schnerring
for the patch. This closes

- Raise an exception if both ZEO and RelStorage are configured at the same
time. This closes

- Added support for zc.buildout 1.5, while retaining support for 1.4. Thanks
to Jeff Rush for the patch. This closes



- Added support for specifying the new RelStorage options shared-blob-dir,
blob-cache-size, blob-cache-size-check, and blob-chunk-size.



- Add friendly error message if non-admin tries
"instance install|start|restart|stop|remove".

- Exit with the return code of the executed do_* method. This closes 10906
(clicking "Restart" in ZMI control panel caused shutdown).

- Implemented the "restart" command for "bin/instance.exe".



- Setuptools / Subversion ignores empty directories and doesn't include them
into the source distribution. Added readme files to the `bin` and `var`
directories inside the skeleton. This lets persistent ZEO caches work again,
which want to put their files into the `var` directory.



- Rewritten major parts of commands specific for the Windows Service, inspired
by "collective.buildout.cluster.base.ClusterBase" as used by the Windows
installer. Closes



- Use pid file to check for running application, instead of service status.

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