
Latest version: v7.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 665814 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug fixes:

- Fix windows `wsgi.ini` to have a configurable listen address.
Added missing WSGI config options for windows.
[jensens] (161)



Bug fixes:

- Restored ability to use own explicit version of zodb-temporary-storage.
[maurits] (93)



Bug fixes:

- Properly disable access-log for WSGI.
[tschorr] (159)



New features:

- Added option ``clear-untrusted-proxy-headers``, with default false.
See waitress documentation on `clear_untrusted_proxy_headers <>`_.
Fixes a `deprecation warning <>`_.
[maurits] (142)
- Added option ``max-request-body-size``, with default 1073741824.
See waitress documentation on `max_request_body_size <>`_.
[mpeeters] (155)

Bug fixes:

- Add GitHub Actions to project.
Run tests there in a matrix against Zope 4 and Zope 5, Windows and Linux, Python 27, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.
Testing Python 2.7 on Windows is skipped.
Refactor tox test setup slightly, do not use tox on GitHub.
Split up tests in smaller easier to maintain files.
Fix tests to run on Windows without tocuhing the recipe code (the Windows code is not perfect right now, but it test are reflecting current state).
This primary includes respecting path-handling (backslash vs slash), conditional instance generation and differences in wsgi configurations.
Also resolves "unclosed files" warnings.
Reflect Zope 5 and so Plone 6.0 support in trove classifiers.
[jensens] (150)



Bug fixes:

- Generate working ``wsgi.ini`` on windows.
Do not generate instance script.
Need to use ``.\bin\runwsgi.exe -dv .\parts\etc\wsgi.ini`` on windows to start.
[jensens] (151)



Bug fixes:

- Fix "SyntaxError" on windows: Generate raw strings in order to allow backslashes in log file paths.
[jensens] (145)
- Fixed an issue that prevented the instance to start
when http-address has multiple entries and http-fast-listen is on
[ale-rt] (146)
- WSGI instances do not fail to start when http-address is equal to a list of ports [ale-rt] (148)

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