
Latest version: v7.1.1

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- Do not use system but exec when starting Zope. This makes it possible for
process management tools to properly manage Zope processes.

- Added `site-zcml` option
Added tests

- Add support for ZEO authentication. Note that this does not work with any
released Zope or ZODB version at this moment. See for required

- Added FTP and WebDAV options

- Allow rel-storage to be an empty string, meaning 'do not use relstorage'.
This allows an extending buildout configuration to disable relstorage again.



- Fix rel-storage parsing for options with spaces. Note that split() or
split(None) already strips the string.



- Fixed a Win32 problem in which the presence of Python string escapes in the
path to zope.conf (e.g., d:\botest\parts\instance\etc\zope.conf would escape
the \b). This showed up when using the 'run', 'debug' or 'adduser' commands.
This fixes 211416.

- Added `console` command to the instance script, which is equivalent to fg but
does not implicitly turn on debug mode but respects the zope.conf setting.



- Added new client-home option and let it default to a subfolder of the
buildout-wide var folder with a subfolder of the name of the section.

- Added limited support for running tests under Zope <= 2.8.



- Fixed runzope script generation for Zope 2.8.

- Cleaned up "./bin/instance test" option handling.

- Removed generator expressions as these aren't supported in < py2.4, which is
used by zope 2.7/8.



- Added `access-log-custom` option to be able to use another event logger
than the file one for the access logger.

- Fix instance generation to work on Windows with blanks in the path name.
This closes 188023.
[hannosch, gotti]

- Added 'zeo-client-client' option which results in 'client <value>' inside
[timte, hannosch]

- Made relstorage handling more generic, so it now supports any RelStorage
adapter, including Oracle (which was broken).

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