
Latest version: v7.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 665814 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Link to zope.conf is now relativitize if option relative-paths is true.
- Added ability to set ``initialization`` to configure Python
code to run on instance start up.
- added support for http-header-max-length



- adding support for zopectl umask



- be able to set zeo client as read only from buildout configuration



- When creating the blobstorage dir, make it only readable for the
current user, otherwise you get a ZODB warning on startup. This
uses code from the ZODB, which does the same when Zope starts up and
the blobstorage directory does not exist yet.

- Fixed check for empty custom_access_event_log and custom_event_log.



- Recipe would fail if eggs are stored in readonly cache. Don't copy
permissions from the egg.



- Add trove classifiers to note Python version compatibility.

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