
Latest version: v1.12.2

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+ Blueprint removed.
+ Email and sms functionality removed.
+ `email_code()` and `text_code()` methods removed accordingly.
+ Configuration example has been changed accordingly.
+ `InsufficientRolesError` and `InsufficientPermissionsError` is now just `AuthorizationError`.
+ `DeletedError` status code is now 210.
+ `` has more installation specifications and modified dependencies.
+ `SessionFactory` session type `twostep` changed too `two-step`.
+ Unit tests close httpx client on tear down.
+ Log message revisions.
+ `requests` import bug fixed.
+ Major documentation revisions.

+ Session cookie configuration changes.
+ Documentation revisions.

+ Session cookie configuration.
+ Test server changes to align with new session configuration.
+ Documentation revisions.

+ Fixed verification session not being marked as invalid in the database but still raising an invalid error when maxed out on crosschecking attempts.
+ Documentation revision.

+ Improved registration input sanitation.
+ Adjusted CharField maximums on model variables.
+ Unit test improvements.

+ Authentication session is now validated before account during an authentication attempt.
+ Account verification blueprint endpoint will now request a new two-step session if the current two-step session is invalid or expired.
+ An `InvalidError` will now be raised if the maximum amount of challenge attempts have been reached in the verification session.
+ Configurable security cache path in `security.ini`.
+ Documentation revisions.

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