
Latest version: v1.12.2

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+ Account verification runtime error fix.
+ Optional two-step session parameter in the `verify_account` method.
+ Info and warning logs.
+ Documentation revisions.

+ Tortoise configuration improvement.
+ Fixed session validation raising error if `expiration_date` is null.
+ Documentation revision.

+ Fixed `SecurityError` not being caught by Sanic's error handling.
+ Fixed login not working if an account is being passed into the method.
+ Test server and unit test improvements.

+ Fixed account retrieval error handling.
+ RFC 5322 email regex check.
+ Unit test improvements.
+ Documentation revisions.

+ Test server and unit test client completely rewritten to provide more coverage.
+ Validation module has been replaced with a `validate()` method found on all models.
+ `allow_unverified` optional parameter removed from verification.
+ Fixed email check on registration.
+ An error will now be raised for accounts attempting to verify themselves when already verified.
+ Removed unnecessarily exceptions.
+ Documentation revisions.
+ Location crosschecking occurs during code crosschecking.

+ Validation patch that prioritizes deletion check.

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