
Latest version: v1.12.2

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+ Refresh authentication improvements.
+ Methods `decode_to_refresh()` and `validate_refresh()` implemented in `AuthenticationSession`
+ `refresh_authentication()` method revised.


+ On-the-fly verification code and captcha image generation.
+ `SessionFactory` removed and replaced with `new()` class method.
+ `redeem()` method removed and code moved to `refresh_authentication()` method.
+ `refresh_expiration_date` field added to `AuthenticationSession`.
+ Util methods `get_code()` and `get_expiration_date()` implemented.
+ `CaptchaSession` method `get_image()` returns `raw()` instead of `file()` and is no longer async.
+ `assign_role()` method parameters `permissions` and `description` are optional.
+ Test server and client revisions.
+ `logout()` method will raise error if session is already deactivated.
+ Unrecognized location check removed.
+ `CACHE` configuration field removed.
+ Licensing revision.
+ Log message revisions.
+ Documentation revisions.


* Account logout revision.
* Two-factor authentication rollback.
* Documentation revisions.


+ Improved type hinting on model variables and methods.
+ Improved two-step session code generation. It is recommended to clear your cache due to these changes.
+ `generate_initial_admin` renamed to `create_initial_admin_account`.
+ Documentation revisions.


+ Initial admin account generation improvements.


+ Initial admin account generation.

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