
Latest version: v1.12.2

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+ Login hotfix when using a non-existent email. An error is raised as intended, however it is the wrong exception.


+ Hotfix for issue 45.


+ Authorization fix that takes roles marked as deleted into consideration.
+ Account retrieval methods filter out accounts marked as deleted instead of relying on validation.
+ Improved model type hinting.
+ Minor testing adjustments and fixes.
+ Licensing revision.
+ License statement attached to source files.
+ Documentation revisions.


+ Improved support for asymmetric JWT algorithms.


+ Refresh token and `redeem` method are no longer inherited from `Session` and resides in `AuthenticationSession`.
+ Captcha and two-step session request improvements.
+ Invalid credentials for registration now raise `CredentialsError`.
+ Session context (`ctx`) field for storing extra information.
+ `MaxedOutChallangeError` exception implemented and raised when a session's challenge attempts has reached it's threshold.
+ Error message clarification.
+ Improved error handling.
+ Documentation revisions.


+ Previous client session is deactivated when a new one is requested (for example when requesting captcha).
+ Two-factor authentication fix and error message clarification.
+ Documentation revision.

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