
Latest version: v1.12.2

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+ Flexible dependency versioning
+ Documentation fixes


+ `request_two_step_verification` and `requires_two_step_verification` now have a `allow_unverified` parameter which determines if an unverified account is allowed to request a verification session. Defaulted to `False`
+ Password recovery request is now done via `request_two_step_verification` instead of `request_password_recovery`. Change reflected in README
+ Unit test improvements
+ Verification blueprint removed
+ Authentication blueprint improvements
+ Documentation corrections


+ A name is once again required in the configuration within the `[SECURITY]` section.
+ Shortened blueprint endpoint urls
+ Shortened test endpoint urls
+ Updated dependencies
+ Unit test improvements
+ Postman collection updated

+ Dependency update

+ Documentation corrections
+ Account errors now handled before session errors
+ Optimizations


This version comes with a ton of changes. All previous versions are totally incompatible with v0.10.0.

* Blueprints
* Automated unit testing
* Manual Postman testing and collection
* All modules are now in the sanic_security package instead of the sanic_security.core package
* Syntactical and name changes throughout
* Master branch is now main branch (The initial branch name, `master`, is hurtful to some)
* You may now request two-step verification with an email
* Session caches are generated on first request instead of server initialization
* Custom json response
* Twillio error handling
* Updated dependencies

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