
Latest version: v1.12.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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+ Captcha improvements, removed all characters that looked similar to each other. (O o, c C, x X, z Z, etc)
+ Removed IP2Proxy
+ `Two-Step Session` is used for email and sms verification instead of `Verification Session`
+ `Verification Session` is now instead used for any verification method that requires some form of code, challenge, or key
+ Sessions now have their own cache rather than sharing a single `session-cache`
+ Documentation
+ Auth.ini is now security.ini
+ Merged and deleted some modules
+ Code is now formatted using Black

+ IP2Proxy middleware has been removed due to unexpected ineffectiveness. Caused multiple issues and decided proxy detection decorator would be sufficient for sensitive endpoints.

+ Idna dependency requirement was too high a version and rendered Sanic Security unnecessarily incompatible in some situations

+ Fixed initialization error

+ Fixed whitespace not being removed in Tortoise config.

+ Fixed confusing verification documentation

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