* Set a last_message_id so when thrashing is hit there is still a point of reference for tracing. * Check correct permissions for Sentry.
* Added "Clear Feed" option. * Version information will be read from pkg_resources if possible. * Cleared up documentation on configuration settings.. * Performance improvements to ``Client.send()``. * Added default 404/500 pages. * Added support for Django's LOGIN_URL setting. * Fixed a memory leak in the client (thanks to Ben Bangert).
* Reverted change which required distribute. * Cleaned up configuration defaults.
* Include distribute_setup.py in the MANIFEST to ship it in sdists.
* Corrected an issue which was causing certain settings (like WEB_HOST) to not take affect in custom configuration files. * The Sentry server will now pull in default server settings, as well as ~/.sentry/sentry.conf.py if --config is not passed to it.
* Fixed a bug which caused thrashing prevention to not function correctly. * Corrected an error in transform()'s recursion safety. * Changed packaging to use Distribute.