for version 2.0.
Additionally, the following changes apply to the new protocol:
- sentry_version should be sent as '3' (not 3.0).
- Signed messages are no longer supported (signatures are not calculated).
- sentry_signature is no longer used.
- sentry_timestamp is no longer used.
- Clients must pass sentry_secret for server-side requests as part of the auth
header. This check runs in the event that there is no Origin header sent.
- version 2.0 supports validation of this, version 3 requires it.
- The ``project`` attribute in the JSON packet is no longer required.
- The ``platform`` attribute is now recommended.
- The ``tags`` attribute is now recommended.
Other Changes
- Aggregation 'Views' have been removed.
- All streaming components are now powered by Backbone.js.
- Frontend has been updated to Bootstrap 2.1.
- The event stream now includes sparklines representing the last 24 hours of data for each event.
- Trends have greatly improved.
- Grouping events that have identical stacktraces other than the function name (e.g. dynamically generated
functions) is not possible.
- SiteFilter has been removed, as has the sites plugin.
- If frames are included in a stacktrace that have the attribute ``in_app: false``, they will be hidden by default in
the details view.
- crossdomain.xml support is now available (see documentation).
- The search feature now uses buffers to better handle write concurrency.
- Early support for WSGI (should be functional) exists as ``sentry.wsgi``.
- Many fixes around cache usage.