This release deprecates the `Severity` enum, the `SeverityLevel` type, and the internal `SeverityLevels` array, all from `sentry/types`. In v7, `Severity` will disappear (in favor of `SeverityLevel`) and `SeverityLevel` and `SeverityLevels` will live in `sentry/utils`. If you are using any of the three, we encourage you to migrate your usage now, using our [migration guide](./MIGRATION.mdupgrading-from-6.x-to-6.17.x).
- ref: Export Session class from core/browser/node (4508)
- chore(nextjs): Bump`sentry/webpack-plugin` to 1.18.5 (4501)
- ref(types): Move SeverityLevel and SeverityLevels to `sentry/utils` (4492)
- fix(vue): Cast name parameter to string (4483)
Work in this release contributed by Bobakanoosh and ssnielsen. Thank you for your contributions!