- [browser] feat: Make `sentry/browser` more treeshakeable (2747)
- [browser] fix: Make sure that handler exists in `LinkedErrors` integration (2742)
- [tracing] feat: Introduce `sentry/tracing` (2719)
- [tracing] ref: Use `idleTimout` if no activities occur in idle transaction (2752)
- [react] feat: Export `createReduxEnhancer` to log redux actions as breadcrumbs, and attach state as an extra. (2717)
- [react] feat: Add `beforeCapture` option to ErrorBoundary (2753)
- [react] fix: Change import of `hoist-non-react-statics` (2755)
- [gatsby] fix: Make `sentry/apm` optional in `sentry/gatsby` package (2752)