_This major version release doesn't contain any breaking API/code changes._ Starting from the version `6.0.0`, all SDKs
that support sending sessions data will do so by default. See our
[Release Health](https://docs.sentry.io/product/releases/health/) docs to learn more. As of this version, it applies to
all Browser SDKs (Browser, React, Angular, Vue, Gatsby etc.). Node.js and other related Server SDKs will follow soon
after, in the minor `6.x` release. You can opt-out of this behavior by setting `autoSessionTracking: false` option
during SDK initialization.
- [wasm] feat: Introduce a `sentry/wasm` package (3080)
- [tracing] feat: Turn Sessions Tracking on by default (3099)
- [tracing] feat: Create session on history change (3179)
- [core] feat: Attach SDK metadata to options and pass it to the API and transports (3177)
- [build] feat: AWS Lambda layer target config for Craft (3175)
- [tracing] fix: Make sure that mongo method is thenable before calling it (3173)