- The Sentry SDK now has experimental support for performance monitoring.
The performance monitoring API allows manually creating transactions and instrumenting spans, and offers APIs for distributed tracing.
The API is currently disabled by default and needs to be enabled via a compile-time `SENTRY_PERFORMANCE_MONITORING` flag.
For more information, take a look at the more detailed [documentation of performance monitoring](https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/native/performance/).
- Sentry now has an explicit `sentry_flush` method that blocks the calling thread for the given time, waiting for the transport queue to be flushed. Custom transports need to implement a new `flush_hook` for this to work.
- Fix Sentry API deadlocking when the SDK was not initialized (or `sentry_init` failed).
- The rate limit handling of the default transports was updated to match the expected behavior.
- The Windows OS version is now read from the Registry and is more accurate.
- The `SENTRY_LIBRARY_TYPE` CMake option is now correctly honored.
- The Linux Modulefinder was once again improved to increase its memory safety and reliability.
**Thank you**:
Features, fixes and improvements in this release have been contributed by:
- [Mixaill](https://github.com/Mixaill)