
Latest version: v75.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 665909 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Fix breakage of the "develop" command that was caused by the addition of
``--always-unzip`` to the ``easy_install`` command.



* Put the ``easy_install`` module back in as a module, as it's needed for
``python -m`` to run it!

* Allow ``--find-links/-f`` to accept local directories or filenames as well
as URLs.



* Include ``svn:externals`` directories in source distributions as well as
normal subversion-controlled files and directories.

* Added ``exclude=patternlist`` option to ``setuptools.find_packages()``

* Changed --tag-svn-revision to include an "r" in front of the revision number
for better readability.

* Added ability to build eggs without including source files (except for any
scripts, of course), using the ``--exclude-source-files`` option to

* `` install`` now automatically detects when an "unmanaged" package
or module is going to be on ``sys.path`` ahead of a package being installed,
thereby preventing the newer version from being imported. If this occurs,
a warning message is output to ``sys.stderr``, but installation proceeds
anyway. The warning message informs the user what files or directories
need deleting, and advises them they can also use EasyInstall (with the
``--delete-conflicting`` option) to do it automatically.

* The ``egg_info`` command now adds a ``top_level.txt`` file to the metadata
directory that lists all top-level modules and packages in the distribution.
This is used by the ``easy_install`` command to find possibly-conflicting
"unmanaged" packages when installing the distribution.

* Added ``zip_safe`` and ``namespace_packages`` arguments to ``setup()``.
Added package analysis to determine zip-safety if the ``zip_safe`` flag
is not given, and advise the author regarding what code might need changing.

* Fixed the swapped ``-d`` and ``-b`` options of ``bdist_egg``.

* EasyInstall now automatically detects when an "unmanaged" package or
module is going to be on ``sys.path`` ahead of a package you're installing,
thereby preventing the newer version from being imported. By default, it
will abort installation to alert you of the problem, but there are also
new options (``--delete-conflicting`` and ``--ignore-conflicts-at-my-risk``)
available to change the default behavior. (Note: this new feature doesn't
take effect for egg files that were built with older ``setuptools``
versions, because they lack the new metadata file required to implement it.)

* The ``easy_install`` distutils command now uses ``DistutilsError`` as its
base error type for errors that should just issue a message to stderr and
exit the program without a traceback.

* EasyInstall can now be given a path to a directory containing a setup
script, and it will attempt to build and install the package there.

* EasyInstall now performs a safety analysis on module contents to determine
whether a package is likely to run in zipped form, and displays
information about what modules may be doing introspection that would break
when running as a zipfile.

* Added the ``--always-unzip/-Z`` option, to force unzipping of packages that
would ordinarily be considered safe to unzip, and changed the meaning of
``--zip-ok/-z`` to "always leave everything zipped".



* The "egg_info" command now always sets the distribution metadata to "safe"
forms of the distribution name and version, so that distribution files will
be generated with parseable names (i.e., ones that don't include '-' in the
name or version). Also, this means that if you use the various ``--tag``
options of "egg_info", any distributions generated will use the tags in the
version, not just egg distributions.

* Added support for defining command aliases in distutils configuration files,
under the "[aliases]" section. To prevent recursion and to allow aliases to
call the command of the same name, a given alias can be expanded only once
per command-line invocation. You can define new aliases with the "alias"
command, either for the local, global, or per-user configuration.

* Added "rotate" command to delete old distribution files, given a set of
patterns to match and the number of files to keep. (Keeps the most
recently-modified distribution files matching each pattern.)

* Added "saveopts" command that saves all command-line options for the current
invocation to the local, global, or per-user configuration file. Useful for
setting defaults without having to hand-edit a configuration file.

* Added a "setopt" command that sets a single option in a specified distutils
configuration file.

* There is now a separate documentation page for setuptools; revision
history that's not specific to EasyInstall has been moved to that page.



* Added "upload" support for egg and source distributions, including a bug
fix for "upload" and a temporary workaround for lack of .egg support in



* Beefed up the "sdist" command so that if you don't have a, it
will include all files under revision control (CVS or Subversion) in the
current directory, and it will regenerate the list every time you create a
source distribution, not just when you tell it to. This should make the
default "do what you mean" more often than the distutils' default behavior
did, while still retaining the old behavior in the presence of

* Fixed the "develop" command always updating .pth files, even if you
specified ``-n`` or ``--dry-run``.

* Slightly changed the format of the generated version when you use
``--tag-build`` on the "egg_info" command, so that you can make tagged
revisions compare *lower* than the version specified in (e.g. by
using ``--tag-build=dev``).

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