Misc ---- * 2071: Replaced references to the deprecated imp package with references to importlib
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Misc ---- * 1973: Removed ``pkg_resources.py31compat.makedirs`` in favor of the stdlib. Use ``os.makedirs()`` instead. * 2198: Restore ``__requires__`` directive in easy-install wrapper scripts.
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Changes ------- * 2197: Console script wrapper for editable installs now has a unified template and honors importlib_metadata if present for faster script execution on older Pythons.
Changes ------- * 2194: Editable-installed entry points now load significantly faster on Python versions 3.8+. * 1471: Incidentally fixed by 2194 on Python 3.8 or when importlib_metadata is present.
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Documentation changes --------------------- * 2156: Update mailing list pointer in developer docs
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Changes ------- * 2070: In wheel-to-egg conversion, use simple pkg_resources-style namespace declaration for packages that declare namespace_packages.