* 3347: Changed warnings and documentation notes about *experimental* aspect of ``pyproject.toml`` configuration:
now ``[project]`` is a fully supported configuration interface, but the ``[tool.setuptools]`` table
and sub-tables are still considered to be in **beta** stage.
* 3383: In _distutils_hack, suppress/undo the use of local distutils when select tests are imported in CPython.
Documentation changes
* 3368: Added documentation page about extension modules -- by :user:`mkoeppe`
* 3371: Moved documentation from ``/userguide/commands`` to ``/depracted/commands``.
This change was motived by the fact that running ``python setup.py`` directly is
considered a deprecated practice.
* 3372: Consolidated sections about ``sdist`` contents and ``MANIFEST.in`` into a single page.
Added a simple ``MANIFEST.in`` example.
* 3373: Moved remarks about using :pypi:`Cython` to the newly created page for
extension modules.
* 3374: Added clarification that using ``python setup.py egg_info`` commands to
manage project versions is only supported in a *transitional* basis, and
that eventually ``egg_info`` will be deprecated.
Reorganized sections with tips for managing versions.
* 3378: Updated ``Quickstart`` docs to make it easier to follow for beginners.
* 3385: Modules used to parse and evaluate configuration from ``pyproject.toml`` files are
intended for internal use only and that not part of the public API.