
Latest version: v75.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 665909 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Add progress messages to the search/download process so that you can tell
what URLs it's reading to find download links. (Hopefully, this will help
people report out-of-date and broken links to package authors, and to tell
when they've asked for a package that doesn't exist.)



* Added ```` installer/bootstrap script to make initial setuptools
installation easier, and to allow distributions using setuptools to avoid
having to include setuptools in their source distribution.

* All downloads are now managed by the ``PackageIndex`` class (which is now
subclassable and replaceable), so that embedders can more easily override
download logic, give download progress reports, etc. The class has also
been moved to the new ``setuptools.package_index`` module.

* The ``Installer`` class no longer handles downloading, manages a temporary
directory, or tracks the ``zip_ok`` option. Downloading is now handled
by ``PackageIndex``, and ``Installer`` has become an ``easy_install``
command class based on ``setuptools.Command``.

* There is a new ``setuptools.sandbox.run_setup()`` API to invoke a setup
script in a directory sandbox, and a new ``setuptools.archive_util`` module
with an ``unpack_archive()`` API. These were split out of EasyInstall to
allow reuse by other tools and applications.

* ``setuptools.Command`` now supports reinitializing commands using keyword
arguments to set/reset options. Also, ``Command`` subclasses can now set
their ``command_consumes_arguments`` attribute to ``True`` in order to
receive an ``args`` option containing the rest of the command line.

* Added support for installing scripts

* Added support for setting options via distutils configuration files, and
using distutils' default options as a basis for EasyInstall's defaults.

* Renamed ``--scan-url/-s`` to ``--find-links/-f`` to free up ``-s`` for the
script installation directory option.

* Use ``urllib2`` instead of ``urllib``, to allow use of ``https:`` URLs if
Python includes SSL support.



* Added ``--scan-url`` and ``--index-url`` options, to scan download pages
and search PyPI for needed packages.



* Restrict ``--build-directory=DIR/-b DIR`` option to only be used with single
URL installs, to avoid running the wrong



* Added ``--build-directory=DIR/-b DIR`` option.

* Added "installation report" that explains how to use 'require()' when doing
a multiversion install or alternate installation directory.

* Added SourceForge mirror auto-select (Contributed by Ian Bicking)

* Added "sandboxing" that stops a setup script from running if it attempts to
write to the filesystem outside of the build area

* Added more workarounds for packages with quirky ``install_data`` hacks



* Added new options to ``bdist_egg`` to allow tagging the egg's version number
with a subversion revision number, the current date, or an explicit tag
value. Run `` bdist_egg --help`` to get more information.

* Added subversion download support for ``svn:`` and ``svn+`` URLs, as well as
automatic recognition of HTTP subversion URLs (Contributed by Ian Bicking)

* Misc. bug fixes

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