
Latest version: v75.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 665902 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* New release process that relies on
`bumpversion <>`_
and Travis CI for continuous deployment.
* Project versioning semantics now follow
`semver <>`_ precisely.
The 'v' prefix on version numbers now also allows
version numbers to be referenced in the changelog,



* BB Pull Request 185, 470: Add support for environment markers
in requirements in install_requires, setup_requires,
tests_require as well as adding a test for the existing
extra_requires machinery.


Not secure

* Issue 422: Moved hosting to
`Github <>`_
from `Bitbucket <>`_.
Issues have been migrated, though all issues and comments
are attributed to bb-migration. So if you have a particular
issue or issues to which you've been subscribed, you will
want to "watch" the equivalent issue in Github.
The Bitbucket project will be retained for the indefinite
future, but Github now hosts the canonical project repository.


Not secure

* Issue 519: Remove import hook when reloading the
``pkg_resources`` module.
* BB Pull Request 184: Update documentation in ``pkg_resources``
around new ``Requirement`` implementation.


Not secure

* BB Pull Request 179: ``pkg_resources.Requirement`` objects are
now a subclass of ``packaging.requirements.Requirement``,
allowing any environment markers and url (if any) to be
affiliated with the requirement
* BB Pull Request 179: Restore use of RequirementParseError
exception unintentionally dropped in 20.2.


Not secure

* Issue 502: Correct regression in parsing of multiple
version specifiers separated by commas and spaces.

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Has known vulnerabilities

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