
Latest version: v75.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 665902 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Not secure

* Issue 296: Restored support for ``__getitem__`` and sort operations on
parse_version result.


Not secure

* Issue 296: Restore support for iteration over parse_version result, but
deprecated that usage with a warning. Fixes failure with buildout.


Not secure

* Implement PEP 440 within
pkg_resources and setuptools. This change
deprecates some version numbers such that they will no longer be installable
without using the ``===`` escape hatch. See `the changes to test_resources
for specific examples of version numbers and specifiers that are no longer
supported. Setuptools now "vendors" the `packaging
<>`_ library.


Not secure

* Issue 80, Issue 209: Eggs that are downloaded for ``setup_requires``,
``test_requires``, etc. are now placed in a ``./.eggs`` directory instead of
directly in the current directory. This choice of location means the files
can be readily managed (removed, ignored). Additionally,
later phases or invocations of setuptools will not detect the package as
already installed and ignore it for permanent install (See 209).

This change is indicated as backward-incompatible as installations that
depend on the installation in the current directory will need to account for
the new location. Systems that ignore ``*.egg`` will probably need to be
adapted to ignore ``.eggs``. The files will need to be manually moved or
will be retrieved again. Most use cases will require no attention.


Not secure

* Issue 268: When resolving package versions, a VersionConflict now reports
which package previously required the conflicting version.


Not secure

* Issue 262: Fixed regression in pip install due to egg-info directories
being omitted. Re-opens Issue 118.

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Has known vulnerabilities

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