* :issue:`604`, :pr:`608`: The :ref:`alignment algorithm was tweaked <algorithm-indel-scores>`
to penalize indels more and to more accurately pick the leftmost adapter
occurrence if there are multiple. This will normally affect very few
reads, but should generally lead to fewer surprising results in cases
where it matters. Because this changes trimming results, it was appropriate
to bump the major version to 4.
* :issue:`607`: Print an error when an output file was specified
multiple times (for example, for ``--untrimmed-output`` and
``--too-short-output``). Sending output from different filters to
the same file is not supported at the moment.
* :issue:`603`: When ``-e`` was used with an absolute number of errors
and there were ``N`` wildcards in the sequence, the actual number of
allowed errors was too low.
* Speed up quality trimming (both ``-q`` and ``--nextseq-trim``) somewhat.
* Python 3.6 is no longer supported as it is end-of-life.