* The 3' adapter of linked adapters can now be anchored. Write
``-a ADAPTER1...ADAPTER2$`` to enable this. Note that the
5' adapter is always anchored in this notation.
* Issue 224: If you want the 5' part of a linked adapter *not* to be
anchored, you can now write ``-g ADAPTER...ADAPTER2`` (note ``-g``
instead of ``-a``). This feature is experimental and may change behavior
in the next release.
* Issue 236: For more accurate statistics, it is now possible to specify the
GC content of the input reads with ``--gc-content``. This does
not change trimming results, only the number in the "expect"
column of the report. Since this is probably not needed by many
people, the option is not listed when running ``cutadapt --help``.
* Issue 235: Adapter sequences are now required to contain only
valid IUPAC codes (lowercase is also allowed, ``U`` is an alias
for ``T``). This should help to catch hard-to-find bugs, especially
in scripts. Use option ``-N`` to match characters literally
(possibly useful for amino acid sequences).
* Documentation updates and some refactoring of the code