* Support single-pass paired-end trimming with the new ``-A``/``-G``/``-B``/``-U``
parameters. These work just like their -a/-g/-b/-u counterparts, but they
specify sequences that are removed from the *second read* in a pair.
Also, if you start using one of those options, the read modification options
such as ``-q`` (quality trimming) are applied to *both* reads. For backwards
compatibility, read modifications are applied to the first read only if
neither of ``-A``/``-G``/``-B``/``-U`` is used. See `the
documentation <http://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide.html#paired-end>`_
for details.
This feature has not been extensively tested, so please give feedback if
something does not work.
* The report output has been re-worked in order to accomodate the new paired-end
trimming mode. This also changes the way the report looks like in single-end
mode. It is hopefully now more accessible.
* Chris Mitchell contributed a patch adding two new options: ``--trim-n``
removes any ``N`` bases from the read ends, and the ``--max-n`` option can be
used to filter out reads with too many ``N``.
* Support notation for repeated bases in the adapter sequence: Write ``A{10}``
instead of ``AAAAAAAAAA``. Useful for poly-A trimming: Use ``-a A{100}`` to
get the longest possible tail.
* Quality trimming at the 5' end of reads is now supported. Use ``-q 15,10`` to
trim the 5' end with a cutoff of 15 and the 3' end with a cutoff of 10.
* Fix incorrectly reported statistics (> 100% trimmed bases) when ``--times``
set to a value greater than one.
* Support .xz-compressed files (if running in Python 3.3 or later).
* Started to use the GitHub issue tracker instead of Google Code. All old issues
have been moved.