* Demultiplexing on multiple cores is now supported. This was the last feature that
only ran single-threaded.
* :issue:`478`: Demultiplexing now always generates all possible output files.
* :issue:`358`: You can now use ``-e`` also :ref:`to specify the maximum number of
errors <error-tolerance>` (instead of the maximum error rate). For example, write
``-e 2`` to allow two errors over a full-length adapter match.
* :pr:`486`: Trimming many anchored adapters (for example when demultiplexing)
is now faster by using an index even when indels are allowed. Previously, Cutadapt
would only be able to build an index with ``--no-indels``.
* :issue:`469`: Cutadapt did not run under Python 3.8 on recent macOS versions.
* :issue:`425`: Change the default compression level for ``.gz`` output files from 6
to 5. This reduces the time used for compression by about 50% while increasing file
size by less than 10%. To get the old behavior, use ``--compression-level=6``.
If you use Cutadapt to create intermediate files that are deleted anyway,
consider also using the even faster option ``-Z`` (same as ``--compression-level=1``).
* :pr:`485`: Fix that, under some circumstances, in particular when trimming a
5' adapter and there was a mismatch in its last nucleotide(s), not the entire adapter
sequence would be trimmed from the read. Since fixing this required changed the
alignment algorithm slightly, this is a backwards incompatible change.
* Fix that the report did not include the number of reads that are too long, too short
or had too many ``N``. (This unintentionally disappeared in a previous version.)
* :issue:`487`: When demultiplexing, the reported number of written pairs was
always zero.
* :issue:`497`: The following options, which were deprecated in version 2.0, have
been removed, and using them will lead to an error:
``--format``, ``--colorspace``, ``-c``, ``-d``, ``--double-encode``,
``-t``, ``--trim-primer``, ``--strip-f3``, ``--maq``, ``--bwa``, ``--no-zero-cap``.
This frees up some single-character options,
allowing them to be re-purposed for future Cutadapt features.
* Ensure Cutadapt runs under Python 3.9.
* Drop support for Python 3.5.