* Allow to "anchor" 5' adapters (``-g``), forcing them to be a prefix of the read.
To use this, add the special character ``^`` to the beginning of the adapter sequence.
* Add the "-N" option, which allows 'N' characters within adapters to match literally.
* Speedup of approx. 25% when reading from .gz files and using Python 2.7.
* Allow to only trim qualities when no adapter is given on the command-line.
* Add a patch by James Casbon: include read names (ids) in rest file
* Use nosetest for testing. To run, install nose and run "nosetests".
* When using cutadapt without installing it, you now need to run ``bin/cutadapt`` due to
a new directory layout.
* Allow to give a colorspace adapter in basespace (gets automatically converted).
* Allow to search for 5' adapters (those specified with ``-g``) in colorspace.
* Speed up the alignment by a factor of at least 3 by using Ukkonen's algorithm.
The total runtime decreases by about 30% in the tested cases.
* allow to deal with colorspace FASTQ files from the SRA that contain a fake
additional quality in the beginning (use ``--format sra-fastq``)