* Added a new “linked adapter” type, which can be used to search for a 5' and a
3' adapter at the same time. Use ``-a ADAPTER1...ADAPTER2`` to search
for a linked adapter. ADAPTER1 is interpreted as an anchored 5' adapter, which
is searched for first. Only if ADAPTER1 is found will ADAPTER2 be searched
for, which is a regular 3' adapter.
* Added experimental ``--nextseq-trim`` option for quality trimming of NextSeq
data. This is necessary because that machine cannot distinguish between G and
reaching the end of the fragment (it encodes G as 'black').
* Even when trimming FASTQ files, output can now be FASTA (quality values are
simply dropped). Use the ``-o``/``-p`` options with a file name that ends in
``.fasta`` or ``.fa`` to enable this.
* Cutadapt does not bundle pre-compiled C extension modules (``.so`` files)
anymore. This affects only users that run cutadapt directly from an unpacked
tarball. Install through ``pip`` or ``conda`` instead.
* Fix issue 167: Option ``--quiet`` was not entirely quiet.
* Fix issue 199: Be less strict when checking for properly-paired reads.
* This is the last version of cutadapt to support Python 2.6. Future versions
will require at least Python 2.7.